The above new vacuum furnace cooling system installation was completed recently at Kepston in Wednesbury. The whole project was facilitated by TC Engineering Services and carried out via close co-operation between Carter Environmental Engineers, who supplied the cooling towers and Portobello Engineering, who provided the mechanical installation.
The project involved removing the existing Carter cooling tower and removing it for disposal, replacing it with a bespoke designed new larger carter cooling tower that incoprorated a specially designed sump. Portobello Engineering carried out the mechanical installation work which also included cooling water pipework and nitrogen and hydrogen pipework etc. The electrical control panel and installation was carried out by GT Electrical as part of the overall team.
The choice of cooling tower was made due to the full compliance of the Carter Cooling Towers with the ACOP L8 guidelines.
Portobello Engineering were chosen because of their many years experience of installing cooling systems, in particular Carter Cooling Towers. Portobello Engineering have had a close association with Carter Environmental Engineers for more than 10 years
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